
Our company philosophy is not production without safety, nor is it production and safety, but it is safe production. Job performance is not so important that we sacrifice doing the job safely. When safe production is achieved, efficient and cost effective production is also achieved.

Wm. J. Donovan follows OSHA’s general duty clause which states “the employer shall furnish a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his/her employees and each employee shall comply with all OSHA standards, rules, regulations and orders.”

The Wm. J. Donovan Co. has a safety committee in place that holds monthly meetings to review all facets of safety. The safety committee consists of both management and employees to ensure that all personnel work together to promote safety in the workplace.

Job site inspections are conducted by our full-time safety coordinator and our foremen.

Site-specific safety plans are implemented and are known as Job Safety Analyses (JSA). An analysis is completed for each project to ensure that all hazards are identified and eliminated before the project begins. JSA’s are also implemented specific to each task such as demolition, rigging, installation, etc.

Safety Coordinator
Matt Kearney